=== WP-Juicebox === Contributors: juicebox Tags: Juicebox, photos, photo, images, image, posts, post, pages, page, plugin, gallery, galleries, media Requires at least: 2.8 Tested up to: 4.0 Stable tag: Allows you to easily create Juicebox galleries with WordPress. == Description == The WP-Juicebox plugin allows you to easily create [Juicebox](http://www.juicebox.net/) galleries with WordPress. Juicebox is a free, customizable image gallery. Images and captions can be loaded from the WordPress Media Library or from Flickr. Get full instructions and support at the [WP-Juicebox Homepage](http://www.juicebox.net/support/wp-juicebox/). == Installation == = Installation = 1. Download the WP-Juicebox plugin. Unzip the plugin folder on your local machine. 2. Upload the complete plugin folder into your WordPress blog's '/wp-content/plugins/' directory. 3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 4. If the the '/wp-content/uploads/juicebox/' folder does not exist, create it and give it write permissions (777) using an FTP program. = Requirements = Before installing, please confirm your web server meets the following requirements. If you are not sure, contact your web host tech support. * WordPress Version 2.8 or higher. * PHP version 5.2.0 or higher. * The '/wp-content/uploads/juicebox/' folder must exist and have full access permissions (777). * PHP DOM extension is enabled (this is the default, however some web hosts may disable this extension). * Active theme must call the [wp_head](http://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API/Action_Reference/wp_head) function in it's header.php file. == Changelog == = = * Fixed bug whereby defaults could not be set and galleries could not be edited in WebKit browsers * Fixed bug whereby 'NextGEN Gallery' and 'Picasa Web Album' galleries did not display * Fixed bug whereby submission could be performed remotely = = * Upgraded Juicebox-Lite to v1.4.2 * Added support for using Picasa Album Id as well as Picasa Album Name * Fixed 'PHP Notice' in WordPress Debug Mode * Improved gallery settings window layout * Removed deprecated code = = * Upgraded Juicebox-Lite to v1.4.1 * Fixed 'PHP Notice' in WordPress Debug Mode * Ensured all external CSS and JavaScript files are loaded only when required = = * Fixed bug whereby XML data was not generated dynamically under certain WordPress installations = = * Upgraded Juicebox-Lite to v1.4.0 = = * Added support for adding gallery in QuickPress widget on Dashboard page via media button * Added support for CKEditor and FCKEditor * Added support for reversing image order for 'Media Library' galleries * Added tooltip text on 'Manage Galleries' page * Fixed bug whereby default Pro Options appeared in gallery Pro Options text area in edit gallery form * Fixed bug whereby Picasa Web Album did not display if Picasa User Id or Picasa Album Name contained whitespace * Fixed HTML errors on 'Manage Galleries' page * Fixed server paths in backup and restore Pro 'jbcore' folder routines * Fixed visual input field issues in WebKit browsers * Ensured all XML files use UTF-8 encoding * Ensured only accepted images are included in galleries * Ensured only required attributes are included in dynamically generated XML files * Ensured only required resource files are included in administration pages * Ensured only single Juicebox shortcode tag is inserted in page or post when user clicks 'Add Gallery' button multiple times * Improved support for WordPress capabilities * Improved error handling when unable to include Juicebox shortcode in page or post * Removed deprecated code * Clean numeric gallery configuration option values * Disabled non-layout and gallery-specific options on 'Set Default Values' page * Moved all inline CSS to external stylesheets * Optimized code = = * Upgraded Juicebox-Lite to v1.3.3 = = * Upgraded Juicebox-Lite to v1.3.2 * Clean color and opacity values * Removed 'default.xml' file * Optimized code = = * Upgraded Juicebox-Lite to v1.3.1 * Lite Options from the Pro Options text area are no longer entered into the output XML files = = * Upgraded Juicebox-Lite to v1.3.0 * Added support for new Juicebox-Lite configuration options textColor, thumbFrameColor, useFullscreenExpand and useThumbDots * Custom default values no longer overwritten when updating plugin * Media Library gallery message displays 'Upload/Insert' or 'Add Media' depending on version of WordPress installed * Fixed bug whereby plugin does not activate successfully under certain conditions * Fixed bug whereby gallery does not display under certain conditions = = * Added support for 'Include Featured Image' in 'Media Library' galleries * Fixed bug preventing Dashboard menu links from being displayed in certain installations * Pro Options are now case-insensitive * Removed 'viewport' tag from section * 'Delete All Galleries' button changed to 'Delete All Data' as button now cleanly removes all plugin-related data rather than just resetting options = 1.2.0 = * Upgraded Juicebox-Lite to v1.2.0 * Added support for 'Picasa Web Album' as source of images * Added support for WordPress installations on https:// secure servers * XML file now created dynamically so no need to edit gallery or post to rebuild static XML file * Made distinction between pages and posts throughout plugin * Gallery Id displayed in 'Add Juicebox Gallery' pop-up window * Fixed bug allowing multiple gallery shortcodes to be entered into each post * Fixed bug whereby duplicate calls were made to certain methods * Fixed bug whereby corrupt NextGEN Gallery installation caused NextGEN-sourced gallery to fail * Fixed 'PHP Deprecated' message * Fixed 'PHP Notice' in WordPress Debug Mode * Fixed W3C Markup Validation issue on admin page * Fixed compatibility issue with WordPress v3.5 Beta 2 = 1.1.1 = * Upgraded Juicebox-Lite to v1.1.1 * Added support for 'NextGEN Gallery' as source of images * Added ability to delete all galleries and reset Gallery Id to zero * Added ability to set/reset default values for gallery options * Improved and restructured code * Bugfixes = 1.1.0 = * Upgraded Juicebox-Lite to v1.1.0 * Improved escaping of XML entities * Fixed bug whereby phantom XML file could be generated * Fixed bug relating to single quote in gallery title * Fixed bug causing error message when XML file does not exist * Fixed bug causing error message with incorrectly formatted Pro Options * Fixed compatibility issues with other plugins * Scripts now called inside appropriate hooks * Removed redundant code = 1.0.2 = * Upgraded Juicebox-Lite to v1.0.2 = 1.0.1 = * Initial release == Upgrade to Juicebox-Pro == [Juicebox-Pro](http://www.juicebox.net/download/) supports advanced customization options, no branding, unlimited images and more. To upgrade the WP-Juicebox plugin to Juicebox-Pro, [check here](http://www.juicebox.net/support/wp-juicebox/#pro). == Credits == WP-Juicebox developed by [Juicebox](http://www.juicebox.net/). == Terms Of Use == WP-Juicebox may be used for personal and/or commercial projects. [View Terms of Use](http://www.juicebox.net/terms/)